your dog's wellness comes first
our team of dedicated professionals is passionate about dogs and committed to providing the best care.
why use hi-doggy
always available for your dog's needs
personalized dog training, dog sitting, and dog walking services
convenient and flexible scheduling
schedule services at a time that works best for you and your dog's routine
comprehensive pet care
in-home veterinary services for prescription medicine, x-rays/ultrasounds, and bloodwork
your dog's well-being is our priority
innovative health care and wellness programs
round-the-clock emergency services
immediate doggy ambulance and emergency ER services
tailored fitness and recovery plans
specialized exercise and rehabilitation programs for weight loss, pain management, and trauma recovery
join us!
want to work with dogs?
join our network of professional dog walkers, sitters,
and trainers and start making a difference today.
join our network of professional dog walkers, sitters, and trainers and start making a difference today.
we work with
new pup at
find everything you need to start.
we’ll go above and beyond for your furry companion!
bestsellers from our partners
Maev® Raw Food
$179.00$125.00 -
Ultimate Dog Training Ball
$18.00 - New!
Bubble Gum Slip Leash
$22.00 -
Slip with a Clip